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Recommended Reading: Sound Therapy & Energy Healing for Beginners


//This essential guide to Sound and Energy Healing is presented in an interesting and easy to follow style. You will learn how to harness and direct healing energy for self, family and friends, people at a distance and even your pets, trees and plants. //You will learn how to combine this knowledge with the healing power of sound via Himalayan singing bowls, tuning forks and other healing instruments.

What can you learn

//Learn how to create Sacred Space for healing //Learn chakras basics and the energy systems of the body //Learn how to select your Sound Therapy tools //Learn how to safely conduct a healing treatment for self, pets, family and friends //Learn how to perform an aura cleanse, sonic diagnostics and effective full body healing treatments

Step by step instructions

//Himalayan Singing Bowls //Aura Cleanse //Tingshaws //Opening the Heart //Spinal Column Treatment //Binaural Beats Treatment //Heart Brain Coherence Treatment //Balancing the Gut Brain Connection Treatment //Empowering the Solar Plexus Treatment //Tuning Forks //The Perfect Fifth //Tuning Fork Treatments for self, others and pets











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