Bookings News

Magdalene Rose Quest France 2023


You are warmly invited to join a small group of like-hearted people for a week long adventure in the magical, mysterious and scenic beauty of Southern France. Here we will explore ancient places pulsating with sacred Earth and Cosmic energies. We will visit Cathar initiation sites and castles and places associated with the Knights Templar, historical landmarks steeped in mystery and legend. Above all we will delve into many various sites associated with Ascended Master Mary Magdalene. We will immerse ourselves in places resonating with Divine Feminine Goddess frequencies and the Elementals of nature. //Following our guidance, we will connect at each of the powerful energy sites along our tour via sacred ritual, meditation, energetic attunements and sacred sound activations. You will receive the Initiation to the Pyramid of the Rose and learn how the Rose can be used for mystical purposes and for healing. //As the energies manifest in whatever way is appropriate for each individual, ancient gifts and memory codes held within our DNA, perhaps for many lifetimes, are ignited. The heart opens and expands and we are born to a higher consciousness of Divine love and service. This acceleration in your ascension will serve all of humanity in these pivotal times. //If your soul path is calling you to join this tour to sacred France, please feel free to contact me for application via email only at I am keeping the group small, max 10 people only.


Day 1, 30th Sept 2023 //Arriving at Carcasonne Airport and transport to Vayamundo luxury resort in Quillan, a village located at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountains and serving as the perfect gateway to the rich heritage of the Languedoc- Roussillon region and the treasures of the Cathars. Vayamundo hosts an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sports facilities, restaurant and beauty spa at your service. Once settled in our villas we will have group introductions and meditation where our support circle will be established, where intentions for both individuals and for the group will be set. Dinner will be on site at the award winning Le Brantalou restaurant. //Day 2, 1st Oct //Rennes le Chateau. Archaeological evidence dates this area as a pre historic settlement, possibly Druidic, and later as a Roman colony and temple dedicated to Isis. We will explore the sacred geometry, symbolism and mystery of the church dedicated to Mary Magdelene and the Tour Magdala (tower) with its beautiful Orangery Gardens. Discover the significance of the Master Number 22 at this site. Lunch in the nearby restaurant includes an opportunity to taste their famed Rose Ice Cream- seriously not to be missed! //Puivert Castle. This Cathar castle, classified as a historical monument, sits atop a hillside in the Quercob region. We shall explore its history, visit the chapel and other rooms of interest including the Minstrel room synonymous with the Troubadors of the 12th century. Here with its lofty acoustics we will use high vibrational healing frequencies to align with higher dimensional experiences. //Day 3, 2nd Oct //Rennes le Bains. //A village in the Aude region in the heart of Cathar country. Famous Cathar castles such as Chateau de Queribus and Chateau de Peyrepertuse are within easy reach. We will have lunch in the quaint village square, Place de Deux Rennes, and visit a famous crystal shop where you can marvel at the wide range of crystal skulls, precious and semi precious stones and other curios. An ideal spot for some souvenir shopping. //Fountain des Amours. Not far from the thermal springs of Rennes les Bains, a source of hot water mingles with the water of the Sals river to form tiered pools connected by waterfalls. One of these pools takes the form of a heart shape and is said to be a site where Mary Magdalene baptised/initiated followers. Nearby, a lovers leap can be found where lovers jump hand in hand from a high rock into the river below to declare their love. It is thus named the Fountain of Love. We shall connect with these sacred waters through ritual and chant and take time to immerse in its sacred healing waters for blessings. //Seat of Isis. We will take a high path through a magical woodland to this 5000 year old carved rock known to have been a Cathar initiation site. It is situated on ley lines of tremendous power. Beside the seat is a well, Source du Cercle which is fed by two natural springs, one of white water and the other an iron rich, red coloured water. Here we will engage in sacred ceremony and receive the attunement to the Pyramid of the Rose. //Day 4, 3rd Oct //Grotte de Bethlehem. This magical cave is located just outside of the small town of Ussat in the Ariege Region. It is considered one of the most sacred sites of the Cathars. Historically this was a key initiation site for receiving the Consolamentum, a sacred process to experience the direct knowing of Divine Source. We will connect here in chant and in silent meditation. //Pic de Bugarach. We will explore Pic de Bugarach, a dormant volcano and easy to climb mountain, 1230m at its highest peak. It is also known by the name "Crossroads of the Four Winds". Bugarach has many mysterious legends associated with it and is said to be the site of an ancient Essene Mystery School. Another legend states that it is the burial place of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. The holy mountain itself is a geological anomaly. Its top layers are millions of years older than its bottom ones, so it is known as the ‘‘upside down mountain.’’ Due to its strong magnetic forces, aircraft do not fly over here as these forces interfere with electronic instruments. Bugarach is home to countless UFO phenomena. It is said to be a portal to the inner earth dimension of Ammenti, the sacred heart of Mother Earth.. The energy at this place is very potent and the views are breathtaking. Numerous limestone caves are to be found here and deep caverns of fire within the mountain fuel the hot springs that flow towards Renne les Bains in the form of the River Sals. We will also have the opportunity to view a pair of giant rocks between Bugarach and Mont Cardou called the Gates of Atlantis, one of many inter-dimensional energetic portals in the area, and visit the village church with its beautiful acoustics and Pagan symbology. //Day 5, 4th Oct //Gallamus Gorge and Hermitage. Gallamus Gorge is on the border between the Aude and Pyrenees-Orientales, Languedoc-Roussillon, Gallamus is a place of great beauty, a holy place and water sanctuary of great reknown. It's waters are a healing source dedicated to a deity named Sirona whose name means "star". According to local lore it is situated close to a place of worship to the Sun God Lug. In more recent times this Hermitage situated here was dedicated by Christians to St Anthony. It also houses a small cave, the Sainte Madeleine cave. Magdalena's energy strongly permeates this entire sacred place. It is believed that she wrote her scrolls here. We will spend the day experiencing these energies both here and in sacred ceremony at the Aude river in the valley below. //Day 6 -5th Oct Montsegur: After long days of adventuring you may wish to choose a day of lounging in your villa, relaxing by the pool, availing of massage or beauty treatments in the spa, (these need to be pre booked) or, if you are still up for more adventures, take another day long outing to Montsegur. The choice is always yours. //Montsegur. Montségur is a commune in the Ariège department in south western France. It is famous for its Cathar fortress, the Château de Montségur,.Montsegur still holds the energetic imprint of the great courage and faith of the Cathars who walked willingly into the flames following a long siege and persecution, rather than surrender or renounce their faith. There are many mysterious stories associated with this ‘Grail Castle’ including the disappearance of a great treasure once housed here. Some say it was the secret gospel of Jesus, some say it was the Cathar ‘ Book of Love’ or even the Grail itself. We will also visit the nearby Val d’Amour church, Our Lady of the Valley of Love, built around a sacred well which still flows through the crypt today and visit the Cathar Museum. This will be our last night together, our final dinner and Closing Ceremony. //Day 7 -6th Oct //Carcasonne. Our last day will be spent in the medieval walled city of Carcasonne. This citadel, La Cité, offers numerous watchtowers and double-walled fortifications, among other places of interest to explore as we await our flights home. You might like to take this as an opportunity to buy souvenirs for friends and family too. //What the Tour Includes: Zoom introductions and meditations to bring the group energy together before we embark on our journey. Accommodation is in shared or single room studio. Single room supplement available. Breakfasts at Vayamunda Resort Quillan. Arrival dinner in award winning Le Brantalou restaurant Vayamundo, plus lunch on day 3 at Rennes les Bains. Sound Activations, Meditations, Attunements, Initiations at all sites. Transport to and from Carcasonne on arrival and departure, plus all sites on the tour. //Not Included: Flights to and from France Travel Insurance. Meals other than those specified. Please advise of special dietary requirements. //What to bring: Suitable clothing and walking shoes. Each person will be asked to bring something specific from their place of origin. More will be discussed during group Zoom meetings. //Requirements: Apllicants must have experience in Energy work. Applicants must have at least a medium level of fitness. //Tour Cost: €2,222.00 Limited places available, Max 10. Early booking advised. //Deposit €500 Non refundable Full amount to be paid by 1st Sept 2023 Easy Pay option available on request. //Cancellation Policy: Places can be 75% refunded up to 31st July less deposit. 50 % refundable 1st Aug -1st Sept. less deposit. If full amount has not been paid by 1st Sept. 2023 your place may be cancelled and you will lose 25% of payment plus deposit. //All payments are non refundable after 1st Sept 2023 except in the case of Force Majeure. //Reservations: For enquiries and to reserve your place contact via email only to Please be aware that I do not use social media messaging services. //Let the Quest begin!


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