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Brighids Fire Reiki

Brighids Fire Reiki

My journey with Reiki has served me well over decades and although I have written many courses and even a book on Sound Healing and Sound Therapy, this is the first Reiki course that I have ever written! Brighid has been a guiding force in my life since I first began channeling her in Druidic ritual in 2003. She called this course into being subtlety at first, and then with a huge push as if to say “What are you waiting for!” Having already written a monumental body of work for the Temple of Brighid Priestess Training, this just flowed and was almost effortless. I hope that it will reach more people to attune to her energies in a deep and powerful healing way. I will introduce Brighid’s Fire Reiki in a live class in Feb 2025 at Tara Open Studio, Hill of Tara Co. Meath 22md Feb 2025 Whether you honour Brighid as Goddess, Saint or both, I hope that you will find this sacred practice very beneficial to you on your spiritual journey. May Brighid guide you to embody your ancient feminine wisdom as you more fully attune to the divine healing, creative forces within you. Le grá Carmel Diviney Reiki Grand Master and Ard Bandraoí Teacher at Temple of Brighid////////////////

Brighid's Fire Reiki Practitioner

Brighid means Exalted One. It can also mean a high place or a high fort, hence her name can be seen on the landscapes across Ireland, UK and ancient Gaul (modern-day France and parts of Belgium, western Germany, and northern Italy), applied to mountains and heights where she was also worshiped under different variations of the name eg. Briganti, Brigantium, Brigu. The form Brigantia means “She who raises herself on high, she who is exalted”. According to Irish Mythology Brighid was the daughter of the Great Father God of the Tuatha De Danaan, An Dagda. Her mother was Bófhion (White Cow) or Bóann, Goddess of the sacred River Boyne that flows by the ancient sites of Newgrange, Dowth and Knowth in the heart of the Boyne Valley. The Tuatha De Danaan, also known as the Shining Ones, were the supernatural Gods of the ancient Irish, skilled in magic and feats of championship. Brighid's Fire Reiki Initiation includes attunements to four very special symbols that will empower all of your Reiki symbols on the spiritual plane. These symbols will merge with your energy fields, serving to enhance and amplify Brighid's healing in your life and in your work. This purified energy brings many blessings. You will be attuned to: //Brighid's Fire //Brighid's Well of Inspiration //Brat Bríde/Brighid's Cloak of Protection //Muire na nGaedhael - Mary of the Gael// WORKSHOP INCLUDES: //Shamanic Journey //Sound Bath to aid integration of the amplified healing energies of the day //BONUS MATERIAL: Temple of Brighid (TM) Priestess Practices: //Sacred Celtic Rituals in Irish with English Translation //Create a Brighid Incense with herbs and resins //Create a Brighid Anointing Oil //Visit to one of Tara's sacred well for Water Blessings //Frame Drumming and Sacred Chants //Stadiúir Ogham, (Ogham Postures) embodiment practice with the energy of Rowan, a tree strongly associated with Brighid because of it's red, fiery berries. //Holy Rose Tincture made from organic Rosa Damascena, the highest vibrational rose on the planet. The frequency of Rose operates with the energy of unconditional love. It brings clearing and expansion to the heart, comfort in times of sorrow or grief, harmony, freedom, sensuality, upliftment, nurturing and purity. Holy Rose is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, Goddess energy on Earth. Holy Rose works on opening and expanding the Heart Chakra.//Brighid Tuning Forks, sacred frequencies custom made for my School.

Brighid's Fire Reiki Master

In the Master Initiation you will receive the necessary knowledge and attunement to teach and attune others. Should you not be ready or called to teach at this time, the Brighid's Fire Master Initiation can be taken for your own personal spiritual growth and development. Please note that uou must be a Usui/Tera Mei Reiki Master to train others.

Course level


Prerequisite: Usui or Tera Mai Reiki Level One
Accredited Certification, insurable worldwide. Printed certificate of Initiation with official School seal. Free postage Ireland, postage costs apply elsewhere.


Deposit 100€

This course is also available for Home study at

Available both in Person and Live Zoom. Unavailable on my Teachable site.€


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This course has been accredited by the Complementary Medical Association UK (CMA). The Celtic School of Sound Healing has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by The CMA. This means that I hold full Training School Membership of the Complementary Medical Association. This very prestigious recognition that demonstrates my commitment to the highest standards and my continued dedication in supporting you as student in your learning.

Your Tutor

Carmel Diviney

Carmel Diviney is a Master Sound Therapist and Tutor, Reiki Grand Master, Indigenous Herbalist, Advanced Celtic Shamanic Practitioner & Shamanic Counsellor, Bandraoí and Banfhile, Author and Recording Artist.

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